One chapter in The Conscious Bible emerged as a channeled story based on direct experience. The experience is documented in the post titled “Cosmic Experiences.”
A Cosmic Love Story
The following presentation is neither complete nor accurate in all its details. This account is based on the best information available at this time and expressed through a personality with all its human qualities.
In modern times, the prophecies of disaster began to multiply — asteroids hitting the Earth, earthquakes, expansion of the Earth, polar shifts, and many others.
There are those who watch human affairs and take note of such expressions as truly indicators. They know that humans are both conscious and in bodies capable of altering physical reality in extraordinary ways. As conscious beings, humans have an ability to access worlds beyond their five senses. Through their physical body, humans are connected to all the fundamental elements in our universe and can detect the forces that act upon and within those elements. The multiplication of disaster prophecies told those who watched that something was coming.
Within each realm beyond the physical, a search began for the cause of the human fear. As a spiritual being experiencing numerous conscious incarnations, Saint Germain volunteered to ascend into the highest realms of the spiritual world and look beyond that realm for any sign of the future. What he saw he described as the Golden Nebula. He sensed the nebula as something wonderful.
In 1987, the expression of human concerned reached new levels. The call for the harmonic convergence to be observed produced an outpouring of human energy on both the fear and hope levels. This energy burst permeated our universe and brought a response from beings who had previously been unaware of Earth’s existence.
In the galactic realm, the search for the source of human fear focused on the photon belt, a high energy belt orbiting Alcyon in the Sirian Star System. The galactic realm understood that as the Earth’s solar system entered that high energy belt, the level of energy pouring into the planet would destroy most physical manifestations.
Normally, the galactic realm observed the law of non-interference. On this occasion, however, a special plea from the ascended masters and Cetacean family (Whale, Dolphin, and Porpoise caretakers of Earth) led to consideration of alternatives. When the Sirians developed a plan for altering the frequency of our Sun and placing a protective shield around our solar system, the Galactic Federation approved the plan. If God had provided the opportunity for what the Sirians proposed, then the Federation did not intend to supplant God by denying the realization of that opportunity.
The Galactic Federation also considered the loss of genetic material which would result should nothing be done. While non-interference might be the general rule, protecting the evolutionary path was the underlying principle of the rule. Following the underlying principle meant permitting the Sirians to implement their plan. (For extensive details on this part of the history, see You Are Becoming a Galactic Human by Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle.)
On Earth, the dolphins set about trying to learn all they could directly from the humans. Dolphin had been accessible to humans in the water over much of time. Now they needed sensitive humans who could communicate with them. The dolphin reached out and made contact. The dolphin transmitted designs to humans who constructed devices according to the designs and placed them all over the planet to create a grid. Once the grid was complete, the process of learning to truly communicate developed over time.
The whales joined in the plan, knowing that their showing interest in communicating with humans would have an even greater effect because they had stayed away in the past.
From this communication, a special mission developed. The dolphin have long been multi-dimensional beings, capable of traveling throughout our universe. The mutual respect that evolved from the inter-species connection opened the door to a new possibility. Perhaps human consciousness had access to a dimension of the universe unique to human perceptions. If so, then through contact with humans, dolphins could possibly use their multi- dimensional skills to reach places in the universe unknown previously and transmit on a frequency previously unused by the dolphin.
To implement this plan, the dolphin transmitted the idea of a Stargate through which dolphin could pass to the new dimension. A human translated the idea into a drawing and passed that drawing on to other humans with the information that the pattern contained a Stargate. On a remote beach, four humans placed the Stargate in the sand and performed their personal rituals of prayer to open the gate.
Through the gate, the dolphin ventured once again to the edge of our universe on the new frequency. Once there, they did what they have always done at the edge — sent out signals to see if anything was out there. Always before, there had been no response; our universe was the only known universe surrounded by the void.
This time, however, one dolphin received a bounce back. The other dolphin responded by coming to the bounce back point and setting up a triangulation to determine the size, speed, and direction of the other object.
What they discovered was another universe as large as our own. They also discovered that this universe was on a path leading to the same point in space that our universe would occupy at the same time.
The dolphin reported their findings to all the entities assembled in our universe to work on the photon belt question. This new information produced understandings and various decisions.
The first understanding was that we were not the only universe. This realization had implications for every level of manifestation.
The second understanding was that in the broader universe there must be a pattern similar to our pattern — a spiritual world connected to an embodied world. (As above, so below.) Responding to that understanding, the gathered entities sent a prayer into the broader universe that amounted to “please help.”
The third realization was that the forces within our universe could not change the fundamental laws. We could not simply turn right to avoid the collision. What we could do, as the ascended masters and other had already shown, was change our frequency of manifestation. Beings within our universe had the capacity to transcend the limitations of physical embodiment and maintain their individual identity. Perhaps this pattern could be expanded to the universe level. (As above, so below.) If so, then maybe the frequency of the entire universe could be altered in such a way that our universe would simply pass through the other universe, rather than colliding.
The response to the photon belt question already included this approach. As part of responding to the photon belt challenge, the spiritual realms had decided to release all the secret teachings into the general human community. The purpose was to train humans to hold more energy/light as they entered the photon belt. Understanding held closely for thousands of years began appearing as paper back books in every book store. The Celestine Prophecy is one of many such texts.
The two universe question increased the intensity of that work. Centers opened across the planet to encourage the sharing of the information and practicing of the techniques. As an integral part of their work, such centers offered an opportunity for all the Earth spiritual traditions to come together, learn to respect each other, and deepen each others understandings.
The fourth realization was that changing our frequency would not necessarily solve the problem. If the other universe happened to be engaged in exactly the same endeavor, we might both change our frequency to the same new frequency and face the same catastrophe.
This realization led to an effort to make contact with the other universe. At every frequency of manifestation possible, signals went out toward the other universe in an effort to make them aware of our existence and to establish communication.
We believe the first contact took place at the spiritual level. The spiritual field of our universe and the spiritual field of their universe made contact and began to step down the frequency of the communication to the physical level.
The dolphin returned to the edge of our universe and established contact for purposes of transmitting physical data. These communications focused on choosing the frequency each universe would work to manifest. The final choices were two frequencies six megahertz apart. [A Hawaiian Kahuna (keeper of the spiritual secrets in the Hawaiian tradition) told us he could explain the six megahertz, and we look forward to that conversation.)]
Meanwhile, the other universe also sent a prayer to the greater universe. The two prayers met and became a very powerful prayer heard throughout the greater universe. The essence of the prayer was that there be a harmonic convergence of the two universes. The signal produced by the joining of the two prayers brought about a gathering in the greater universe similar to the uniting that took place in our universe around the photon belt question.
The forces of the greater universe operated under the constraint of not interfering with the laws of the two universes. The idea was to preserve the genetic heritage carried by both and, at the same time, not to alter their path to full realization of their unique potential.
The forces of the greater universe knew that a collision of this magnitude would not only destroy the genetic material in the two universes, the destructive wave emanating from that collision would sweep through the greater universe. While not directly interfering, the gathered forces of the greater universe beamed their love to the two universes and awaited an opportunity to apply that love directly, if such a moment arose.
The two universes did everything they could to complete the plan before reaching the zero point in space. In our universe, the teachings proliferated on the need to descend, to acknowledge all that we are with humility, discipline, and gentleness, in order to ascend, i.e. change the frequency of our daily existence. Zero point arrived with everything in place. Every human and every other sentient being in our universe did exactly what needed to be done. This point is stressed. Whether peeling carrots or specifically conducting sacred ritual, every human played their perfect part in bringing about the harmonic convergence. The convergence took place with each universe continuing on its path without physical destruction.
During the time of closest proximity of the two universes, something wonderful happened. An arc of energy leaped out from our universe. Another arc leaped out from the other universe. In the greater universe, the gathered forces could now act. These forces made the connection between the two arcs, essentially the God of the greater universe blessed the union of the two arcs and the entities present worked their magic to make the union happen.
At that point, the entire genetic heritage of each universe was transmitted to the other. Each became a repository for all the information from both, a genetic back up.
At the moment the two arcs joined, a bright light spread through the greater universe. That light expressed the frequency of joy, which is still bathing the greater universe. And that greater universe honors both universes for having the courage, intelligence, and power to evolve.
Back on Earth, we now have an entire genetic data bank available to us from a universe very similar to and very different from our own. We could choose to leave that data bank in tact as simply a repository over which we exercise guardianship. Or we could choose to access that data bank and evolve far beyond anything we now conceive to be human. Knowing our history of daring to go where we have not gone before — the essence of the evolutionary impulse — we will probably choose to access the data bank. We would then evolve as humans influenced by the accumulated knowledge of the other universe. They will probably evolve as whatever they are influenced by our data bank. Perhaps one day our paths will cross again and we will meet face to face, knowing each other as brothers and sisters.
Our task is to know we have been given a new world and to make of that world everything beautiful we can hold in our hearts.
This story belongs to everyone. Please share it wherever you can. Aloha.
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